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Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Chapter 4

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Chapter 4

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Chapter 4

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Yaitu Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Chapter 4: Upcycling Used Materials.

Yuk mari disimak!


Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Chapter 4

Upcycling Used Materials


Order of Adjectives

When we want to describe a thing, we usually need adjectives.

(Ketika kita hendak menjabarkan suatu benda, biasanya kita membutuhkan adjectives)

If more than an adjective is used, there is the order to put the adjectives.

(Jika ada lebih dari satu adjective yang digunakan, maka ada aturan urutan untuk adjective tersebut)

It follows the following order:

(Urutannya adalah sebagai berikut: )

  • General Opinion
  • Specific Opinion
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Age
  • Color
  • Nationality
  • Material
  • Noun


  • Bright big round old multi-colored plastic bottle caps.
  • Beauty small round blue ring.
  • etc


Expressions to ask and say the price

When we want to ask and say how much something costs, we can use following expressions:

Expressions to ask and say the price


Passive Voice

On this chapter, we are going to learn also about Passive Voice.

(Pada bab ini, kita juga akan mempelajari tentang Passive Voice)

Passive voice is a type of sentence or clause in which the subject receives the action of the verb.

(Passive voice adalah tipe dari kalimat atau klausa dimana subjek menerima aksi dari kata kerja)

We use passive voice to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action.

(Kita gunakan passive voice untuk menekankan kepada orang atau objek yang terkena aksi daripada yang melakukan aksi itu sendiri)

Simple way is exchange the position of subject to object and object to subject.

(Langkah mudahnya adalah menukar posisi subjek menjadi objek dan objek menjadi subjek)

But, as we know not as easy like that.

(Namun, seperti yang kita ketahui tidak hanya semudah itu saja)

There are different formula for each tenses.

(Terdapat rumus yang berbeda untuk setiap tenses)

Let’s dig in!

(Mari bahas lebih jauh!)


Formula Passive Voice for Simple Present Tense

For simple present tense we can use:

S + is/am/are + V3 + by + object


Active voice: Jaka bring a book.

Passive voice: Book is brought by Jaka.


Formula Passive Voice for Present Continuous Tense

For present continuous tense we can use:

S + is/am/are + being + V3 + by + object


Active voice: Dina is singing a song.

Passive voice: A song is sung by Dina.


Formula Passive Voice for Present Perfect Tense

For present perfect tense we can use:

S + have/has + been + V3 + by + object


Active voice : You have opened the door.

Passive voice: The door has been opened by you.


Formula Passive Voice for Simple Past Tense

For simple past tense we can use:

S + was/were + V3 + by + object


Active voice: They borrowed my money yesterday.

Passive voice: My money was borrowed by them yesterday.


Formula Passive Voice for Past Continuous Tense

For past continuous tense we can use:

S + was/were + being + V3 + by + object


Active voice: Salsa was cooking a dinner last night.

Passive voice: A dinner was being cooked by Salsa last night.


Formula Passive Voice for Past Perfect Tense

For past perfect tense we can use:

S + had + been + V3 + by + object


Active voice:  I had given a book to him.

Passive voice: A book had been given by me to him.


Formula Passive Voice for Simple Future Tense

For simple future tense we can use:

 S + will + be + V3 +  by + object


Active voice: I will answer the question tomorrow.

Passive voice: The question will be answered by me tomorrow.


Formula Passive Voice for Future Perfect Tense

For future perfect tense we can use:

S + will + have + been + V3 + by + object


Active voice: She will have washed her clothes.

Passive voice: Her clothes will have been washed by her.


Formula Passive Voice for Past Future Tense

For past future tense we can use:

S + would + be + V3 + by + object


Active voice: Dina would cook the dinner last night.

Passive voice: The dinner would be cooked by Dina last night.


Formula Passive Voice for Past Future Perfect Tense

For past future perfect tense we can use:

 S + would + have + been + V3 + by + object


Active voice: You would have visited your family in the village.

Passive voice: Your family would have been visited by you in the village.


Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text that explains and describes a person, place, or thing.

(Descriptive text adalah teks yang menjelaskan dan menjabarkan tentang seseorang, tempat ataupun benda)

Descriptive text uses adjectives and adverbs.

(Descriptive text menggunakan kata sifat dan kata keterangan)

It aims to describe a person, place or thing.

(Tujuannya tentu saja untuk menjabarkan seseorang, tempat ataupun benda)

Structure of descriptive text (Struktur dari descriptive text) :

  • Identification (Identifikasi)
  • Description (Deskripsi)

Identification is the part where we can introduce the object will be described.

(Identifikasi adalah bagian dimana kita dapat memperkenalkan tentang objek yang akan dijabarkan)

Description is the part where we can elaborate the object with detailed information.

(Deskripsi adalah bagian dimana kita bisa menjelaskan objek tersebut secara rinci)


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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Chapter 4


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