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Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Chapter 4
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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Kurikulum Merdeka
Chapter 4: No Littering
Asking for Details of a Past Incident
First material we start with asking for details of a past incident.
(Materi pertama kita mulai dengan menanyakan detail tentang kejadian yang sudah lampau)
There are two possible ways:
(Ada dua kemungkinan: )
- Use interrogative question
- Use wh-questions
Let’s start with interrogative questions.
(Mari mulai dengan interrogative questions)
Interrogative questions mean Yes/No question which is only answered by yes or no.
(Interrogative questions berarti Yes/No question yang mana hanya dijawab cukup dengan Yes atau No)
There are two ways to asking yes/no questions:
(Ada dua cara untuk menanyakan yes/no questions: )
- use the auxiliary verb ‘Did’ (Menggunakan auxiliary verb ‘did’)
- use was or were (Menggunakan was atau were)
We use was or were, when there is no main verb in the questions.
(Kita gunakan was atau were ketika tidak ada kata kerja dalam pertanyaannya)
- We use ‘was’ if subject : I, he, she, it
- We use ‘were’ if subject : you, we, they
To make it clear, please look carefully into these examples:
(Agar jelas, lihatlah contoh dibawah ini: )
- Did you swim in the river?
- Was the river this dirty back then?
First example use ‘did’ because there is main verb ‘swim’.
(Contoh pertama menggunakan ‘did’ karena ada kata kerja yaitu ‘swim’)
Meanwhile, the second example use ‘was’ because no main verb there.
(Namun, pada contoh kedua menggunakan ‘was’ karena tidak ada kata kerja disana)
Another way to ask for details of a past incident is by using Wh-Questions.
(Cara berikutnya adalah dengan menggunakan wh-questions)
Here the detailed information for each wh-questions:
(Berikut ini informasi detail untuk setiap wh-questions)
- What (to ask for details about something)
- When (to ask for details about time)
- Where (to ask for details about place)
- Why (to ask for a reason)
- How (to ask for details about the way something happens or the way something is done)
The rules is same, if there any verb we add ‘did’, while if no main verb we add ‘was’ or ‘were’.
(Aturannya masih sama, jika ada kata kerja kita tambahkan ‘did’, sedangkan jika tidak ada verb kita tambahkan ‘was’ atau ‘were’)
- How did it happen?
- How much plastic was there in the oceans?
First one added ‘did’ because there is verb ‘happen’ in the sentence.
(Yang pertama ditambahkan did, karena ada kata kerja ‘happen’ dalam kalimat tersebut)
Second one added ‘was’ because there no verb in the sentence.
(Yang kedua ditambahkan ‘was’ karena tidak ada kata kerja dalam kalimat tersebut)
Sequencing a series of past incidents or events with ‘when’
Oftentimes, the past incident we would like to write consists of two or more events.
(Seringkali ketika menceritakan kejadian di masa lalu ada dua kejadian atau lebih)
To organize those events logically, we can use ‘when’.
(Agar rapih menyusun kejadian tersebut, kita dapat gunakan ‘when’)
We select two events that happened at or around the same time and sequence them with ‘when’.
(Kita pilih dua kejadian yang terjadi pada atau hampir bersamaan dan gabungkan keduanya dengan ‘when’)
- A team of scientists from Texas University helped an injured sea turtle when they sailed in the ocean near Costa Rica.
- Melati and Isabel were only 12 and 10 years old when they decided to tackle plastic pollution.
Recount Text
Recount text is a text that explain for the experience that happened in the past.
(Recount text adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan pengalaman yang terjadi di masa lampau).
Since happened in the past of course must use simple past tense.
(Karena terjadi dimasa lampau tentu saja kita harus menggunakan simple past tense)
Structure of recount text is:
(Struktur dari recount text adalah: )
- Orientation
- Series of events
- Reorientation
In orientation, we tell the introduction of situation we want to tell, such as who, what, when, and where.
(Dalam orientation kita memperkenalkan situasi yang akan kita sampaikan, seperti siapa, apa, kapan, dan dimana)
In series of events, we tell the experience we had in chronological order, start from first until the end.
(Dalam series of events, kita menjelaskan pengalaman yang terjadi secara berurutan, mulai dari awal hingga akhir)
In reorientation, we give personal comments regarding the events. It’s really depend to the experience itself, can be positive or negative.
(Dalam reorientation, kita memberikan pendapat pribadi kita tentang kejadian tersebut. Nah ini sangat bergantung pada pengalaman tersebut, bisa saja komentar positif ataupun negatif)
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