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Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Chapter 0 Kurikulum Merdeka

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Chapter 0 Kurikulum Merdeka

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Chapter 0

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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Kurikulum Merdeka

Chapter 0: The Beginning


In this chapter we are going to learn :

(Di materi ini kita akan mempelajari : )

  • Classroom language
  • Complimentary
  • Expressions of certainty and uncertainty
  • Expressions of likes and dislikes
  • Intonation
  • Yes / No Question
  • WH Question
  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Verbal sentence and Nominal sentence
  • Regular verbs and irregular verbs
  • Transition Signals
  • Antonyms
  • Personality Traits
  • Simple present tense and past tense

Lets start! (mari mulai!)


Classroom Language

On this material we are going to learn some of expressions that commonly used in the class.

(Pada materi ini kita akan mempelajari beberapa ungkapan yang biasa digunakan didalam kelas)

Teacher may say some of these expression, so try to remember ok?

(Guru mungkin akan mengucapkan beberapa ungkapan berikut ini, jadi coba untuk dihafalkan ya?)

teacher talk


Meanwhile as a students, you will often to use these expressions:

(Sementara itu sebagai siswa, kalian akan sering menggunakan ungkapan berikut ini)

student talk



Complimentary in Bahasa mean memuji / pujian.

(Complimentary dalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti memuji atau pujian)

So, we are going to learn some of complimentary expressions as below:

(Jadi, kita akan pelajari beberapa ungkapan pujian seperti dibawah ini)

complimentary expression


Expressions of certainty and uncertainty

Certainty in Bahasa mean yakin, while uncentainty in Bahasa mean tidak yakin.

(Certainty dalama Bahasa Indonesia artinya yakin, sedangkan uncertainty artinya tidak yakin)

Here some of certainty expression:

(Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan tentang yakin)

Expressions of certainty


Here some of uncertainty expression:

(Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan tentang tidak yakin)

Expressions of uncertainty


Expressions of likes and dislikes

Likes in Bahasa mean suka, while dislikes in Bahasa mean tidak suka.

(Likes dalama Bahasa Indonesia artinya suka, sedangkan dislikes artinya tidak suka)

Here some of likes expression:

(Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan tentang rasa suka)

Expressions of likes

Here some of dislikes expression:

(Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan tentang rasa tidak suka)

Expressions of dislikes



When speak using English, intonation can give different meaning.

(Ketika berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris, intonasi akan memberikan makna yang berbeda)

There is two intonation, higher intonation and slowing intonation.

(Ada dua intonasi, higher intonation dan slowing intonation)

Higher intonation or rising intonation is used when you want to persuade or excite the audience.

(Higher intonation atau rising intonation digunakan ketika kalian ingin mengajak lawan bicara atau memberikan nuansa semangat atau meriah)

Slowing intonation or falling intonation is used when you want to end your sentence or to let your audience know that you are finished.

(Slowing intonation or falling intonation digunakan ketika kalian ingin mengakhiri sebuah kalimat atau menunjukkan bahwa kalian telah selesai bicara)


Yes / No Question

Yes / no question mean question that only have answer yes or no.

(Yes / no question berarti sebuah pertanyaan yang jawabannya ya atau tidak)

Yes / no question uses (yes / no question menggunakan):

  • do
  • does
  • did

Here the examples (contohnya):

yes no questions



WH-Questions consist of 5W 1H.

(WH-Questions terdiri dari 5W 1H)

Here the detail:

  • What = Apa
  • Who = Siapa
  • Why = Mengapa
  • Where = Dimana
  • When = Kapan
  • How = Bagaimana

Here the examples (contohnya):

wh question


Subject-verb agreement

Subject-verb agreement is the grammatical rule that the verb or verbs in a sentence must match the number, person, and gender of the subject.

(Subject-verb agreement adalah sebuah aturan grammar dimana kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat harus sesuai dengan angka, orang, atau jenis dari subject)

Usually we can difference it from singular or plural.

(Biasanya kita dapat membedakannya dari tunggal atau jamak)

Examples (Contohnya) :

Subject-verb agreement


Verbal and Nominal Sentence

Verbal sentences are sentences that contain a verb or a verbal phrase to show or explain of the action.

(Verbal sentences adalah kalimat yang mengandung kata kerja untuk menunjukkan atau menjelaskan sebuah tindakan)

Examples (Contohnya) :

verbal sentence


A nominal sentence is a sentence consisting of a subject and complement without a linking verb, usually to explain condition of the subject.

(Nominal sentence adalah kalimat yang berisikan subjek dan komplemen tanpa ada kata kerja, biasanya untuk menjelaskan kondisi dari subjek itu sendiri)

Examples (Contohnya):

nominal sentences


Regular verbs and Irregular verbs

Regular and irregular verbs used in the past tense.

(Regular dan irregular verbs digunakan pada past tense)

Regular verb is easy, just add -ed in the end of verbs.

(Regular verb itu gampang, tinggal tambahin ed di akhir kata kerja)

But for irregular verbs not as easy as regular verbs, because we need to remember the transformation of verbs.

(Tetapi dalam irregular verb tidak semudah regular verb, karena kita harus mengingat bentuk perubahan dari kata kerja itu)

Examples (Contohnya):

regular and irregular verbs

There still lot for irregular verbs, you can googling it ok?

(Masih banyak untuk irregular verb, kalian bisa googling aja ya)


Transition Signals

Transition signals are linking words or phrases that connect your ideas and add cohesion to your writing.

(Transition signals adalah kata hubung yang menghubungkan ide tulisan kalian)

Example of transition signals:

transition signals



Antonyms in Bahasa mean lawan kata.

(Antonyms dalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti lawan kata)

Examples (Contohnya):



Personality Traits

Personality traits are characteristics and qualities that help define you as a unique individual.

(Personality traits adalah karakteristik dan kualitas yang membedakan satu dan lainnya sebagai seorang individu)

Examples of adjectives to describe personality traits:

(Contoh kata sifat yang menjelaskan personality traits):

personality traits


Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements.

(Simple present tense digunakan untuk menjabarkan kebiasaan, situasi yang tetap, sebuah kenyataan dan urutan yang tetap)

Formula of simple present tense:

(Rumus dari simple present tense: )

  • Positive form : S + V1 (-s, -es, -ies)
    • If the Subject “I, you, we, they” just use V1
    • If the Subject “He, She, It” use “-s, -es, -ies” behind V1
  • Negative form: S + does / do + not + V1
    • If the Subject “I, You, We, They” use “do”.
    • If the Subject “He, She, It” use “does”.
  • Interrogative form: Does / do + S + V1


Example of Simple Present Tense

Here below are examples of simple present tense:

(Dibawah ini adalah contoh dari simple present tense: )

First example:

Positive form: I read a book in the library every Tuesday.

Negative form: I do not read a book in the library every Tuesday.

Interrogative form: Do I read a book in the library every Tuesday?

Second example:

Positive form: She attends the English Club on Monday.

Negative form: She does not attend the English Club on Monday.

Interrogative form: Does she attend the English Club on Monday?


Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used to tell something in the past.

(Simple past tense digunakan untuk menceritakan sesuatu di masa lalu)

It is mean, something that happened in the past and already finished now.

(Artinya, sesuatu yang terjadi pada masa lalu dan telah selesai saat ini)

Simple past tense used V2.

(Simple past tense menggunakan V2)

To be for past tense was and were.

(To be untuk past tense adalah was dan were)

To be “Was” will be used when the subject “I, He, She, It”.

(To be “was” digunakan ketika subjeknya “I, He, She, It”)

To be “Were”  will be used when the subject “You, We, They”.

(To be “were” digunakan ketika subjeknya “You, We, They”)

Here below are formula of simple past tense:

(Dibawah ini adalah rumus simple past tense: )


Subject + V2 

S + was / were + adj/adv


Subject + did not + V1

S + was / were + not + adj / adv


Did + S + V1

Was / Were + S + adj / adv

Here below example of simple past tense:

(Berikut ini adalah contoh dari simple past tense: )

Example 1:


I studied yesterday.


I did not study yesterday


Did I study yesterday?


Example 2:


Jaka was a teacher


Jaka was not a teacher


Was Jaka a teacher?

Example 3:


They were commedian.


They were not commedian.


Were they commedian?


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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Chapter 0


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