InggrisKelas 8Rangkuman MateriSemester 2SMP

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Bab 11

materi bahasa inggris kelas 8 bab 11

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Bab 11

Pada kesempatan sebelumnya Admin telah membagikan Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Bab 10: When I was a child.

Pada kesempatan kali ini, Admin akan membagikan materi baru nih.

Yaitu rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Bab 11: Yes, We made it!

Yuk mari disimak!


Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Bab 11

Chapter 11: Yes, We made it!


In this chapter we are going to learn :

(Di materi ini kita akan mempelajari : )

  • to give an account of events and activities
  • Simple Past Tense

Lets start! (mari mulai!)


Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used to tell something in the past.

(Simple past tense digunakan untuk menceritakan sesuatu di masa lalu)

It is mean, something that happened in the past and already finished now.

(Artinya, sesuatu yang terjadi pada masa lalu dan telah selesai saat ini)

Simple past tense used V2.

(Simple past tense menggunakan V2)

To be for past tense was and were.

(To be untuk past tense adalah was dan were)

To be “Was” will be used when the subject “I, He, She, It”.

(To be “was” digunakan ketika subjeknya “I, He, She, It”)

To be “Were”  will be used when the subject “You, We, They”.

(To be “were” digunakan ketika subjeknya “You, We, They”)


Formula of Simple Past Tense

Here below are formula of simple past tense:

(Dibawah ini adalah rumus simple past tense: )


Subject + V2 

S + was / were + adj/adv


Subject + did not + V1

S + was / were + not + adj / adv


Did + S + V1

Was / Were + S + adj / adv


Examples of Simple Past Tense

Here below example of simple past tense:

(Berikut ini adalah contoh simple past tense: )

Example 1:


He studied yesterday.


He did not study yesterday


Did He study yesterday?


Example 2:


Nana was a teacher


Nana was not a teacher


Was Nana a teacher?

Example 3:


We were atlet.


We were not atlet.


Were we atlet?


Apabila kalian sudah cukup memahami materi ini, coba juga latihan soal materi ini pada link dibawah ini:


Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Bab 11


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