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Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Bab 3
Sports and Health
Simple Present Tense
Description text uses a simple present tense.
(Description text menggunakan simple present tense)
Simple present tense is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements.
(Simple present tense digunakan untuk menjabarkan kebiasaan, situasi yang tetap, sebuah kenyataan dan urutan yang tetap)
There are two formulas of descriptive text:
(Ada dua rumus yang digunakan dalam descriptive text)
- Verbal
- Nominal
Verbal formula is formula for sentence that contain verb.
(Rumus verbal adalah rumus untuk kalimat yang mengandung kata kerja)
Nominal formula is formula for sentence that contain adjective and adverb.
(Rumus nominal adalah rumus untuk kalimat yang mengandung kata sifat dan kata keterangan)
Let’s learn more!
(Ayo kita bahas lebih jauh!)
Simple Present Tense Formula for Verbal
As we know that sentence can be divided into three forms.
(Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa kalimat bisa dibagi kedalam tiga bentuk)
There are (yaitu) :
- Positive form (Bentuk positif)
- Negative form (Bentuk negatif)
- Interrogative form (Bentuk pertanyaan)
So the formula also divided into three.
(Jadi rumusnya juga dibagi menjadi tiga)
Formula for positive form:
(Rumus untuk bentuk positif)
Subject + V1 or Subject + V1 + s/es
There is special rule for the positive form:
(Ada aturan khusus untuk bentuk positif)
- If the Subject “I, you, we, they” just use V1
- If the Subject “He, She, It” use “-s, -es, -ies” behind V1
Examples (Contoh):
- We study together.
- Ronaldo treats his fans in a very courteous way.
Formula for negative form:
(Rumus untuk bentuk negatif)
Subject + do/does + not + V1
There is special rule for the negative form:
(Ada aturan khusus untuk bentuk negatif)
- If the Subject “I, You, We, They” use “do”.
- If the Subject “He, She, It” use “does”.
Examples (Contoh):
- We do not study together.
- Ronaldo does not treats his fans in a bad way.
Formula for interrogative form:
(Rumus untuk bentuk pertanyaan)
Do/does + Subject + V1 + ?
Examples (Contoh):
- Do we study together?
- Does Ronaldo treats his fans in a very courteous way?
Simple Present Tense Formula for Nominal
Same as for verbal, here also divided into three forms.
(Sama seperti pada verbal, pada nominal pun dibagi menjadi tiga bentuk)
We directly looked into the formula ok!
(Kita langsung masuk ke rumusnya ya!)
Formula for positive form:
(Rumus untuk bentuk positif)
Subject + to be + Adjective / Adverb
To be in simple present tense divided into three:
(To be dalam simple present tense dibagi menjadi tiga)
- Are
- Am
- Is
All those to be above really depend into the Subject.
(Semua to be diatas sangat bergantung pada Subjeknya)
Here the rules:
(Berikut ini aturannya)
- If the subject “I“, we use “am”.
- If the subject “You, we, they“, we use “are“.
- If the subject “He, she, it“, we use “is“.
Examples (Contoh):
- I am really a good person
- You are really kind.
- Ronaldo is really humble person.
Formula for negative form:
(Rumus untuk bentuk negatif)
Subject + to be + not + Adjective / Adverb
Examples (Contoh):
- I am not a good person
- You are not really kind.
- Ronaldo is not really humble person.
Formula for interrogative form:
(Rumus untuk bentuk negatif)
To be + Subject + Adjective / Adverb+?
Examples (Contoh):
- Am I a good person?
- Are you really kind?
- Is Ronaldo a humble person?
Imperative Sentences
The function of imperative sentences is for giving a command or instruction to do something.
(Fungsi dari imperative sentence adalah untuk memberikan perintah atau instruksi untuk melakukan sesuatu)
The form of an English imperative sentence uses the base verb with no subject.
(Bentuk dari imperative sentence menggunakan v1 tanpa subjek)
It may end with a full-stop/period ( . ) or an exclamation mark/point ( ! ).
(Biasanya diakhiri dengan tanda titik atau tanda seru)
Imperative sentences can be in positive or negative form, and can refer to present or future time.
(Imperative sentences dapat dalam bentuk positif ataupun negatif dan menunjukkan masa sekarang atau masa depan)
Example of positive imperative:
- Heat the oil in the pan.
- Cut the garlic into small pieces.
Example of negative imperative:
- Don’t forget to put in some salt.
- Don’t put chili in the fried rice.
Procedure Text
Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
(Teks prosedur adalah teks yang dirancang untuk menjabarkan bagaimana sesuatu dapat tercapai melalui beberapa langkah atau tahapan)
The structure of procedure text:
(Struktur dari teks prosedur: )
- Goals (in the title)
- Materials (equipment) / ingredients
- Steps
By using a procedure text we can make a simple poster regarding health.
(Dengan menggunakan procedure text kita dapat membuat poster simple tentang kesahatan)
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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Bab 3
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