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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Bab 6
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Yaitu rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Bab 6: Online School Registration
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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Bab 6
Chapter 6 : Online School Registration
News Item
News item text is a text which informs readers about events of the day.
(News item text adalah teks yang memberikan informasi kepada pembaca tentang kejadian yang terjadi pada hari tersebut)
The events are considered newsworthy or important.
(Kejadiannya adalah yang kejadian penting atau bermanfaat)
Generic Structure of News Item
The generic structure of news item:
(Struktur dari news item adalah: )
- Newsworthy event
- Background event
- Source
Newsworthy event, it recounts the event in summary form.
(Newsworthy event menjelaskan secara singkat tentang suatu kejadian)
Background event, elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstance.
(Background event, menjabarkan apa yang terjadi, siapa, dan bagaimana urutan kejadiannya)
Source, contains comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event.
(Source, berisikan komentar dari orang yang mengikuti kejadin, saksi mata dan pihak berwenang yang berkaitan dengan suatu kejadian)
Social Function of News Item
The social function of news item is used to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
(Fungsi sosial dari news item adalah untuk menginformasikan pembaca tentang suatu kejadian yang dianggap penting)
Example of News Items Text
Here below the example of news item text:
(Berikut ini adalah contoh dari news item text: )
2020 AFF Cup first leg: Indonesia loses to Thailand
Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Indonesian national football team (Timnas) was defeated 4-0 by Thailand in the first leg of the 2020 AFF Cup final at the National Stadium, Singapore, on Wednesday night.
The first goal was scored by Thai captain and attacking midfielder Chanathip Songkrasin. It was Songkrasin’s third goal in the tournament.
During the match, the Thai team kept up the pressure on Timnas. The Thai “War Elephants” squad did not allow the Indonesian team to become comfortable with the ball.
The flow of the Thai team’s attacks led to a quick goal in the second minute through a left-footed strike by Songkrasin. He took advantage of Philip Roller’s pass that swerved past the Indonesian defender from the right side.
Thereafter, the intensity of Thailand’s pressure did not seem to decline, making Indonesian defenders struggle in their own territory.
In the 14th minute, Timnas’ Asnawi Mangkualam made a save right on the goal line from Bordin Phala’s kick.
Meanwhile, Indonesian defender Alfeandra Dewangga had a clean chance in the 41st minute. However, despite the absence of clearance efforts in front of the Thai goal, Dewangga’s kick soared away from the goalpost.
In the 45+2nd minute, Timnas’ Nadeo Argawinata heroically dismissed Phala’s curling shot, keeping the score at 0–1. The score remained unchanged until the game entered the break period.
In the second half of the game, the Thai players scored three more goals.
Earlier, the Indonesian national football team entered the final with an aggregate win of 5–3 over the Singaporean team.
The second leg of the 2020 AFF Cup final will be held on January 1, 2022.
Here is the lineup of both teams:
Indonesia: Nadeo Argawinata (goalkeeper), Moh. Edo Febriansyah, Rizky Ridho, Alfeandra Dewangga, Fachruddin Aryanto, Asnawi Mangkualam Bahar (captain), Rachmat Irianto, Ricky Kambuaya, Witan Sulaeman, Irfan Jaya, and Dedik Setiawan.
Thailand: Siwarak Tedsungnoen (goalkeeper), Yusef Dolah (39′, Pokklaw Anan), Philip Roller, Tristan Do, Kritsada Kaman, Weerathep Pomphun, Bordin Phala, Phitiwat Sookjitthammakul, Supachok Sarachat, Chanathip Songkrasin (captain), and Teerasil Dangda.
(source: https://en.antaranews.com/news/207009/2020-aff-cup-first-leg-indonesia-loses-to-thailand)
Direct and Indirect Speech
On this chapter we are going to learn about direct and indirect speech as the part of news item.
(Pada bab ini kita juga akan mempelajari tentang direct dan indirect speech sebagai bagian dari news item)
To change from direct into indirect speech is quite tricky, because you need to remember the changes of tenses.
(Untuk mengubah dari direct menjadi indirect speech susah susah gampanag, karena kalian harus mengingat perubahan tenses nya)
We will through one by one of tenses, get ready.
(Kita akan membahas satu per satu dari setiap tenses, yuk kita mulai)
Direct to Indirect Speech if Direct Speech in Simple Present Tense
If the direct speech form in simple present tense, then the indirect speech will be use simple past tense.
(Jika direct speech nya berbentuk simple present tense, maka indirect speech nya akan berbentuk simple past tense)
Direct speech : “I work as teacher” he said.
Indirect speech: He said that he worked as teacher.
You may asked why “I” turn become “he”?
(Kamu mungkin bertanya mengapa “I” berubah menjadi “he”)
Please look carefuly the person who said is “he”.
(Perhatikan baik-baik orang yang berbicara adalah “he”)
So every word “I” will change into the person who speak there.
(Jadi setiap kata “I” akan berubah menjadi nama orang yang berbicara)
Direct to Indirect Speech if Direct Speech in Present Continuous
If the direct speech form in present continuous tense, then the indirect speech will be use past continuous tense.
(Jika direct speech nya berbentukpresent continuous tense, maka indirect speech nya akan berbentuk past continuous tense)
Direct speech : “I am cooking a dinner” she said.
Indirect speech: She said that she was cooking a dinner.
In this example you may notice that “am” changed into “was”.
(Dalam contoh ini kamu mungkin sadar bahwa “am” berubah menjadi “was”)
That because in continuous “to be” for present changed become “to be” for past.
(Itu karena dalam continuous “to be” untuk present berubah menjadi “to be” untuk past)
Direct to Indirect Speech if Direct Speech in Present Perfect Tense
If the direct speech form in present perfect tense, then the indirect speech will be use past perfect tense.
(Jika direct speech nya berbentuk present perfect tense, maka indirect speech nya akan berbentuk past perfect tense)
Direct speech : “I have founded a treasure” Jaka said.
Indirect speech: Jaka said that he had founded a treasure.
This quite simple, we just need to change “have” become “had”.
(Ini gampang, kita hanya perlu mengubah “have” menjadi “had”)
Direct to Indirect Speech if Direct Speech in Present Perfect Continuous Tense
If the direct speech form in present perfect continuous tense, then the indirect speech will be use past perfect continuous tense.
(Jika direct speech nya berbentuk present perfect continuous tense, maka indirect speech nya akan berbentuk past perfect continuous tense)
Direct speech : “I have been searching the book” Salsa said.
Indirect speech: Salsa said that she had been searching the book.
This quite simple, we just need to change “have” become “had”.
(Ini gampang, kita hanya perlu mengubah “have” menjadi “had”)
Direct to Indirect Speech if Direct Speech in Simple Past Tense
If the direct speech form in simple past tense, then the indirect speech will be use past perfect tense.
(Jika direct speech nya berbentuk simple past tense, maka indirect speech nya akan berbentuk past perfect tense)
Direct speech : “I took Jaka to home” Salsa said.
Indirect speech: Salsa said that she had taken Jaka to home.
Here is really simple too, we just need to change verb 2 into verb 3 but add “had” exactly before verb 3.
(Sangat mudah kok, kita hanya perlu mengubah verb 2 menjadi verb 3, tapi sebelumnya tambahkan “had” tepat sebelum verb 3 nya)
Direct to Indirect Speech if Direct Speech in Future Tense
If the direct speech form in future tense, then the indirect speech will be use conditional.
(Jika direct speech nya berbentuk future tense, maka indirect speech nya akan berbentuk conditional)
Direct speech : “I will be in Jakarta soon.” Dani said.
Indirect speech:Dani said that he would be in Jakarta soon.
As you can see, the change only “will” become “would”.
(Seperti yang dapat kamu lihat, yang berubah hanya “will” menjadi “would”)
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