InggrisKelas 9Rangkuman MateriSemester 2SMP

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 6

materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 bab 6

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 6

Halo adik-adik berjumpa lagi di Portal Edukasi.

Pada kesempatan sebelumnya Admin telah membagikan rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 5: This is How You Do it.

Pada kesempatan kali ini, Admin akan membagikan materi baru nih.

Yaitu rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 6: Everybody is Always in The Middle of Something.

Yuk mari disimak Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 6!


Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 6

Chapter 6: Everybody is Always in The Middle of Something


In this chapter we are going to learn :

(Di materi ini kita akan mempelajari : )

  • to communicate activities in progress at the time of speaking
  • to share the information with others
  • to give an explanation

Lets start! (mari mulai!)


Present Continuous Tense


Definition of Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now.

(Present continuous adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menunjukan sebuah aktivitas yang sedang terjadi saat ini)


Formula of Present Continuous Tense

Formula of present continuous is :

(Rumus dari present continuous adalah : )

(+) Subject + to be (are, am, is) + Verb1 + ing + object

(-) Subject + to be (are, am, is) + not + Verb1 + ing + object

(?) To be (are, am, is) + subject + verb + ing + object + ?


Example of Present Continuous Tense

Here below is example of present continuous :

(Dibawah ini adalah contoh dari present continuous : )

Positive form :

(Bentuk positif: )

  • I am studying English now.
  • We are going to Bandung City now.
  • She is hearing the music.

Negative form :

(Bentuk negatif: )

  • I am not studying Math now.
  • We are not going to Bandung City now.
  • She is not hearing the music.

Interrogative form :

(Bentuk tanya: )

  • Are you studying English now?
  • Are we going to Bandung City now?
  • Is she hearing the music?


Past Continuous Tense


Definition of Past Continuous Tense

The past continuous is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing past action was happening at a specific moment of interruption, or that two ongoing actions were happening at the same time.

(Past continuous adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menunjukan sebuah aktivitas yang sedang terjadi pada masa lalu, atau dua buah aktivitas yang terjadi pada waktu yang sama di masa lampau)


Formula of Past Continuous Tense

Formula of past continuous is :

(Rumus dari past continuous adalah : )

(+) Subject + to be (was / were) + Verb1 + ing + object

(-) Subject + to be (was / were) + not + Verb1 + ing + object

(?) To be (was / were) + subject + verb + ing + object + ?


Example of Past Continuous Tense

Here below is example of present continuous :

(Dibawah ini adalah contoh dari past continuous : )

Positive form :

(Bentuk positif: )

  • I was studying English last night when my mom was cooking dinner.
  • We were going to Bandung City last holiday when our parent were taking a break from work.
  • She was hearing the music when you were talking to her.

Negative form :

(Bentuk negatif: )

  • I was not studying English last night when my mom was cooking dinner.
  • We were not going to Bandung City last holiday when our parent were taking a break from work.
  • She was not hearing the music when you were talking to her.

Interrogative form :

(Bentuk tanya: )

  • Was I studying English last night when my mom was cooking dinner?
  • Were we going to Bandung City last holiday when our parent were taking a break from work?
  • Was she hearing the music when you were talking to her?


Easy right? Congratulations now you just finished the material!

(Gampang kan? Selamat, sekarang kalian baru saja menyelesaikan materi ini!)

Thats all for today material, see you later on next chapter!

(Itu saja untuk materi hari ini, sampai jumpa pada materi berikutnya!)

Always visit PortalEdukasi.org for another learning material!

(Selalu kunjungi PortalEdukasi.org untuk materi pembelajaran lainnya!)

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Last edited 2 months ago by Oscar
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