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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 11

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 11

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 11

Halo adik-adik berjumpa lagi di Portal Edukasi.

Pada kesempatan sebelumnya Admin telah membagikan rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 10: Sangkuriang.

Pada kesempatan kali ini, Admin akan membagikan materi baru nih.

Yaitu rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 11: They are made in Indonesia.


Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 11

Chapter 11: They are made in Indonesia


Passive Voice

In this chapter we are going to learn about passive voice.

(Pada bab ini kita akan membahas tentang passive voice)

The main aim from passive voice is exchange the position of subject and object.

(Tujuan utama dari passive voice adalah menukar posisi antara subjek dan objek)

Because we will exchange the position of subject and object, better remember this image below:

(Karena kita akan mengubah posisi antara subjek dan objek, lebih baik diingat gambar dibawah ini: )

subject object


Beside that we need to remember to be for each tenses.

(Disamping itu kita harus ingat to be untuk setiap tenses)

Remember how to use to be below:

(Ingat bagaimana cara menggunakan to be dibawah ini: )

penggunaan to be

Also passive voice really depend on active voice tense, because different tenses will used different formula.

(Dan juga assive voice sangat bergantung pada jenis tenses dari active voice nya, karena berbeda tenses akan berbeda rumus yang digunakan)

Let’s dig in each tenses.

(Mari bahas satu per satu setiap tenses)


Passive voice for simple present tense

For simple present tense the formula is:

(Untuk simple present tense, rumusnya adalah: )


Subject + are / am / is + V3 + by + Object


Example of Passive voice for simple present tense

Example 1

Active form : kick the ball.

Passive form: The ball is kicked by me.

Please look carefully into the bold, italic and underlined.

(Perhatikan baik-baik pada bagian yang dicetak tebal, miring dan digaris bawahi)

In active form the subject “I” and object “The ball”, in passive form we exchange the position.

(Dalam bentuk aktif, subjeknya adalah “I” dan objeknya “The ball”, ketika dalam bentuk pasif kita tukar posisinya)

So, “I” change into “me” because become object.

(Jadi, “I” berubah menjadi “me” karena berubah menjadi objek)

Exact before verb please insert appropriate to be.

(Tepat sebelum verb, tulis to be yang tepat untuk subjek tersebut)

Also do not forget change the verb to verb 3.

(Jangan lupa juga ubah verb menjadi verb 3)

Please look carefully again next example.

(Mohon perhatikan kembali contoh berikutnya)


Example 2

Active form: He play the piano in the room.

Passive form : The piano is played by him in the room.

Got it?

(Paham kan?)

Passive voice for present continuous tense

For present continuous the formula is:

(Untuk present continous tense, rumusnya adalah: )


Subject + are / am / is + being + V3 + by + Object


The rules same as before, just insert “being” after the “to be”

(Aturannya masih sama, hanya tinggal menambahkan “being” setelah “to be”)

Do not confused with the verb, just remove “ing” to get the base verb.

(Jangan bingung dengan verb-nya, tinggal hapus “ing” untuk mendapatkan verb dasarnya)


Example of Passive voice for present continuous tense

Example 1

Active form : Salsa is singing a song.

Passive form: A song is being sung by Salsa.


Example 2

Active form : Jaka is repairing computers.

Passive form: Computers are being repaired by Jaka.


Passive voice for present perfect tense

For present perfect tense the formula is:

(Untuk present perfect tense, rumusnya adalah: )


Subject + have / has + been + V3 + by + Object


Example of Passive voice for present perfect tense

Example 1

Active form : We have studied English.

Passive form: English has been studied by us.


Example 2

Active form : Mr. Robert has learned France language.

Passive form: France language has been learned by Mr. Robert.



Passive voice for past tense

For past tense the formula is:

(Untuk past tense, rumusnya adalah: )


Subject + was / were + V3 + by + Object


Example of Passive voice for past tense

Example 1

Active form : I kicked the ball yesterday.

Passive form: The ball was kicked by me yesterday.


Example 2

Active form: He played the piano in the room last night.

Passive form : The piano was played by him in the room last night.


Passive voice for past continuous tense

For past continuous the formula is:

(Untuk past continous tense, rumusnya adalah: )


Subject + was / were + being + V3 + by + Object


Example of Passive voice for past continuous tense

Example 1

Active form : Salsa was singing a song.

Passive form: A song was being sung by Salsa .


Example 2

Active form : Jaka was repairing computers.

Passive form: Computers were being repaired by Jaka.


Passive voice for past perfect tense

For past perfect tense the formula is:

(Untuk past perfect tense, rumusnya adalah: )


Subject + had + been + V3 + by + Object


Example of Passive voice for past perfect tense

Example 1

Active form : We had studied English.

Passive form: English had been studied by us.


Example 2

Active form : Mr. Robert had learned France language.

Passive form: France language had been learned by Mr. Robert.


Passive voice for future tense

For future tense the formula is:

(Untuk future tense, rumusnya adalah: )


Subject + will be + V3 + by + Object


Example of Passive voice for future tense

Example 1

Active form : will kick the ball.

Passive form: The ball will be kicked by me.


Example 2

Active form: He will  play the piano in the room.

Passive form : The piano will be played by him in the room.


Passive voice for future continuous tense

For future continuous the formula is:

(Untuk future continous tense, rumusnya adalah: )


Subject + are / am / is + going to be + V3 + by + Object


Example of Passive voice for future continuous tense

Example 1

Active form : Salsa will be singing a song.

Passive form: A song is going to be sung by Salsa .


Example 2

Active form : Jaka will be repairing computers.

Passive form: Computers are going to be repaired by Jaka.


Passive voice for future perfect tense

For future perfect tense the formula is:

(Untuk future perfect tense, rumusnya adalah: )


Subject + will + have + been + V3 + by + Object


Example of Passive voice for future perfect tense

Example 1

Active form : We will have studied English.

Passive form: English will have been studied by us.


Example 2

Active form : Mr. Robert will have learned France language.

Passive form: France language will have been learned by Mr. Robert.


That’s all for each tenses, hopefully you understand.

(Itu semua rumus untuk setiap tenses, semoga paham ya!)

If still confuse, you can ask me in the comment below ok!

(Jika masih bingung, bisa tanyakan di kolom komentar ok!)


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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 11


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Mardita Lestari

situs yang paling mudah saya pahami. Terimakasih

error: Maaf Dilarang Copas Ya :)
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