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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Bab 1
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Yaitu rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Bab 1: Talking about Self.
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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Bab 1
Chapter 1 : Talking about Self
Letter or Email
I am sure all of you ever send a letter or email.
(Admin yakin bahwa kalian semua pasti pernah mengirimkan surat atau email.)
With this chapter we will learn about the letter or email.
(Melalui bab ini kita akan mempelajari tentang surat atau email.)
Aside of the letter or email we are going to learn about Pronouns.
(Disamping itu kita juga akan mempelajari tentang Pronouns.)
Let’s get started from structure of letter or email!
(Mari kita mulai dari struktur dari surat atau email!)
Part of Letter or Email
Letter or email contain of three part.
(Surat atau email terdiri dari tiga bagian).
Those are (Yaitu) :
- Opening
- Contents
- Closing
Purpose of opening : to start the communication.
(Tujuan dari opening : untuk memulai sebuah komunikasi.)
Purpose of contents : to explain the idea of sending letter or email.
(Tujuan dari contents: untuk menjabarkan maksud dan tujuan mengirimkan surat atau email.)
Purpose of closing : to ending the communication.
(Tujuan dari closing : untuk mengakhiri sebuah komunikasi.)
Sample of Letter
Here below is the example of letter:
(Dibawah ini adalah contoh dari surat : )
Assalamu’alaikum Alia,
It was very interesting to read your letter about yourself and your hometown. I would really like to be your pen friend. I’m a sixteen-year-old school student from Johor Bahru in Malaysia. Actually I attend an Islamic boarding school just outside the city but my family live in Kuala Lumpur. My eldest sister is a medical doctor. My younger brother is an elementary school student.
My favorite subjects are social sciences. I like history very much; it helps me know more how different countries existed in the past. At school we are supposed to use English at all times, so we have become quite fluent although sometimes we slip back into Malay, which is our mother tongue. As for hobbies, I’m really into songs and music. My favorite boy band is One Direction. My favorite Malay singer is, of course, Siti Nurhaliza. I also like watching movies, especially comedies. The actor I like best is Tom Cruise.
I’m really into books. I like reading novels and short stories. I like some writers in English, like JK Rowling, and Indonesian writers too, like Andrea Hirata and Ahmad Fuadi. My dream, when I’m older, is to be a writer of science fiction books.
I’d really love to come to Indonesia some day, especially to the magnificent Raja Ampat in Papua. What about you, do you want to visit my country? Wassalam.
After you read the example of letter, can you decide of each structure?
(Setelah kamu membaca contoh surat diatas, dapatkah menentukan setiap bagian surat?)
First paragraph is opening, second and third paragraph is contents, and last paragraph is closing.
(Paragraf pertama adalah opening, paragraf kedua dan ketiga adalah contents, dan paragraf terakhir adalah closing.)
There are several types of pronouns: subjective, objective, possessive adjectives, and possessive pronouns.
(Ada beberapa tipe dari pronouns, yaitu: subjective, objective, possessive adjectives, dan possessive pronouns.)
Please, look into the table below:
(Perhatikan tabel dibawah ini: )
You can try to remember it coloumn by coloumn, it’s easier to remember.
(Kalian dapat mencoba untuk menghapal per kolom, dari kiri ke kanan, biar lebih mudah untuk diingat.)
Let’s learn it one by one!
(Mari kita mulai pelajari satu per satu!)
Subjective Pronouns
Subjective pronouns are the subjects of a sentence.
(Subjective pronouns adalah subjek dari sebuah kalimat.)
REMEMBER, subject always in front and before verb or to be!
(Ingat, subjek selalu berada di depan dan sebelum verb atau to be!)
Example (Contoh) :
- I have three dogs.
- You like to have many pen pals.
- He studies in an elementary school.
Objective pronouns
Objective pronouns are the objects of a sentence.
(Objective pronouns adalah objek dari sebuah kalimat.)
REMEMBER, object always after verb or to be!
(Ingat, objek selalu berada setelah verb atau to be!)
Example (Contoh) :
- I know Caroline. She introduced me to you via e-mail.
- My brother is an elementary school student. Sometimes I accompany him to go to school.
- The fur of the cat is soft. We like to stroke it.
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives are words that indicate possession.
(Possessive adjectives adalah kata yang menunjukan kepemilikan.)
Possessive adjectives are used with nouns.
(Possessive adjectives selalu menggunakan nouns.)
Example (Contoh) :
- I have a pen pal. My pen pal is very kind.
- You have three dogs. Your dogs need a lot of attention.
- He studies in an elementary school. His school is not far.
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns also show possession but possessive pronouns are not followed by nouns.
(Possessive pronouns juga menunjukan kepemilikan namun tidak diikuti oleh nouns.)
Example (Contoh) :
- This is my book. This book is mine.
- These are your dog. These dogs are yours.
- His school is far from here. His is far.
Differences between Possessive Adjective and Possessive Pronouns
In order to determine when use possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns, we can look into the nouns itself.
(Untuk menentukan kapan menggunakan possessive adjective atau possessive pronouns, kita dapat melihat ke nouns itu sendiri.)
Remember this!
(Ingat ini!)
If nouns in front before the possessive : use possessive pronouns!
(Jika noun berada di depan sebelum kepemilikan : gunakan possessive pronouns!)
If nouns in behind after the possessive: use possessive adjectives!
(Jika noun di belakang setelah kepemilikan : gunakan possessive adjectives!)
Now I will try to explain it, look carefully into the word “book”.
(Sekarang Admin akan mencoba jelaskan, perhatikan baik-baik kata “buku”.)
This book is mine.
This is my book.
First sentence the book in front, so we use “mine”.
(Kalimat pertama buku berada di depan, jadi kita gunakan “mine”.)
Second sentence the book in behind, so we use “my”.
(Kalimat kedua buku berada di belakang, jadi kita gunakan “my”.)
Easy right?
(Mudah bukan?)
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